Search Prices for Common Health Care Services

Use the Shop for Care tool below to compare prices and quality for health care services at Colorado facilities. Select from a procedure category and then select a service.

Health care pricing is complex. The prices and price ranges you see in this report are estimates for the bill you may receive from the facility you use, and may not include all bills you will receive from doctors or other services. To learn more about health care pricing, see our FAQ page.

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Using Shop for Care With or Without Health Insurance
  • If you don’t have insurance, use the information to help you choose a facility and discuss prices and payment plans with them.
  • If you have insurance, ask your insurance company directly what you will owe. It still helps to use the price tool to compare prices. Higher health care costs for your insurer can lead to higher premiums in the future.
About Health Care Pricing

Health care pricing is complex. It can be hard to understand your costs before you have the service and get the bill. Here are some helpful things to know:

  • Prices vary based on your insurance company and your specific plan. Facilities (hospitals, imaging centers, surgery centers, etc.) have different prices for different insurance companies, and they often have different prices for people with no insurance.
  • The price you will pay depends on your insurance plan, if you have one. Different plans ask you to pay more or less of the total price depending on your deductible (the amount you pay before insurance starts paying), co-pays (amount you pay for a service) or coinsurance (percent of the price you pay for a service).
  • The facility and the doctors you see may all have separate fees. In the Shop for Care tool, the prices only include what you might pay the facility where you have your service or procedure and they do NOT include bills you may have to pay for doctor’s fees, labs, or other services.
  • A higher price doesn’t mean better care. Use the “Quality” column in the tool to look at quality for hospitals as well as price. Quality data is not available for non-hospital facilities.

For more information about health care prices, see “Understanding Prices: A Consumer Guide” from the American Hospital Association.

CPT® copyright 2024 American Medical Association.  All rights reserved.

Fee schedules, relative value units, conversion factors and/or related components are not assigned by the AMA, are not part of CPT®, and the AMA is not recommending their use. The AMA does not directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical services. The AMA assumes no liability for data contained or not contained herein.

CPT® is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.