Data Dive: Men’s Health Month

The way people access and utilize health care varies across age, location, race, and gender. Recognizing the recent men’s health awareness month, we investigated Colorado All Payer Claims Database (CO APCD) data to identify how men in Colorado access health care. In November 2021, CIVHC released an updated Community Dashboard Read more…

Data Dive: Pediatric Care in Colorado

With CIVHC’s Community Dashboard, users can identify how performance in critical health measures varies across Colorado communities and where the most significant opportunities lie for improvement and impact. Providers, payers, consumers, and other stakeholders can examine several aspects of care including cost, use of preventative services, utilization and access to Read more…

Data Dive: Colorectal Cancer

Recently updated recommendations urge more Coloradans to receive screenings Colorectal Cancer is the fourth most common type of new cancer diagnoses in Colorado at a rate of just over 30 people for every 100,000. For Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in March, we are taking a look at recent changes to Read more…