Low Value Care

Low value health care services are certain treatments, diagnostic tests, and screenings where the risk of harm or cost exceeds the likely benefit for patients. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, an estimated 10% to 20% of health care spending in the United States is considered low value. This analysis has the potential to help minimize low value care in Colorado by identifying which services are occurring most often across different regions in the state, and the impact those services are having on patients and health care spending.

Use Cases

  • Educate yourself on common low value care services and discuss pros and cons of treatment options with your providers.
  • Consider policy changes that would encourage reducing the volume and cost of low value services.
  • Identify the top low value care services and cost impact in your area, and consider implementing processes to reduce low value care services for your patients. Interested in getting specific low value care data for your practice or facility? Contact us at ColoradoAPCD@civhc.org.
  • Consider implementing payment models that reward reduction in low value care services.
  • Share low value care information with your employees and incentivize employees to avoid low value services when possible.
  • Study trends in low value care by payer type, and demographics, and determine drivers in provider practices.

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