Custom Data Sets

Looking for a data set you can analyze on your own? Data extracts are a great solution for researchers or other entities with analytic capabilities that want data files they can use to conduct their own analyses. Data extracts come in the form of de-identified data and may include Protected Health Information (PHI) if all HIPAA etc. privacy and security requirements are satisfied.

CIVHC offers several levels of Custom Data Sets for research purposes:

De-Identified Data Sets

    • No Protected Health Information (PHI)

Limited Data Sets

    • Contains at least one element of PHI, no direct identifiers
    • Must go through additional review and approval

Fully Identifiable Data Sets

    • Contains one or more direct identifiers
    • Must go through additional review and approval
    • Must have IRB approval

View our Standard De-Identified Data Set options

What's the Process?

Contact us at to connect with a Health Data Solutions Consultant who can help determine the right data solution for you.