In August, the analyst team shared the results of the Telehealth Services Analysis and, while exploring the utilization trends, we wondered if any of our colleagues had used telehealth in the past months and what they thought of their experiences.
So, we decided to analyze ourselves.
Using a brief and anonymous survey, the CIVHC staff who utilized telehealth during the pandemic answered questions about the type of provider they saw, how the visit was conducted, what they did or did not enjoy, and whether they would use telehealth again following the pandemic. Here is what we learned.
How did you communicate with your provider?
- Provider secure video
- Zoom
- Microsoft Teams
- Phone
- Un-specified video call
What did you like about your experience?
- Convenience
- Atmosphere/Less rushed
- Availability of appointments/response time
- Informative/interactive
- Safer than in-office/No COVID-19 risk
- More personal experience
What, if anything, did you not like about your experience?
- Internet lags/delays
- Difficult to get a personal connection
- Hard to show physical symptoms
- Technical difficulties
- More distractions/not easy to stay engaged
- Not appropriate for serious concerns