USE CASE: #HealthyAdulting through Health Literacy
Young Invincibles’ mission is to amplify the voices of young adults in the political process and expand economic opportunity for our generation. The #HealthyAdulting campaign helps young adults navigate the systems tied to life decisions, such as the health care and health insurance systems.
Project Summary: The goal of the project is to determine whether targeted digital advertising encouraging young adults to access preventive care in rural areas of the state has the potential to increase use of preventive care by Coloradans ages 18 to 34.
Benefit to Colorado: The goal of Young Invincibles’ project is to better understand what strategies can increase “young invincibles” use of preventive services. By encouraging young adults to access preventive care, YI hopes to improve health outcomes for young Coloradans and decrease health care costs, by catching health problems early and before they become more costly down the read.