USE CASE: Reducing Avoidable ED Visits in Northwest Colorado

Click here to watch to the Change Agent Chat featuring Ken Davis, Executive Director of NCCHP and Cari Frank, CIVHC’s VP of Communication and Marketing. 


The Northwest Colorado Community Health Partnership (NCCHP) is made up of community and safety net organizations, health care providers, and government agencies covering Grand, Jackson, Moffat, Rio Blanco and Routt counties. The Northwest Colorado Visiting Nurse Association launched NCCHP in 2006 by providing fiscal sponsorship and backbone support.  In 2017, the agency is a stand-alone nonprofit 501c3 serving the region using the collective impact framework to collaboratively address complex social issues.

Project Summary To look at ED visits and potentially avoidable costs in northwest Colorado, Grand, Jackson, Moffat, Rio Blanco, and Routt Counties.

Benefit to Colorado This report could be used to help reduce emergency department (ED) visits for health issues that could be treated in a doctor’s office, clinic, or urgent care settings.