Who is CIVHC?

The Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) is an independent non-profit that equips partners and communities in Colorado and across the nation with the resources, services and unbiased data needed to improve health and health care. As the designated administrator of Colorado’s All Payer Claims Database (CO APCD), CIVHC oversees the collection of health care claims from Colorado’s public and private health care insurers and uses that information to promote price transparency, inform policy, advance health equity, conduct research, and much more. We are objective, solution-oriented, and maintain the highest integrity in the work we do.

We take our responsibility for the CO APCD very seriously and constantly strive to ensure the database fulfills its mission to “facilitate[e] the reporting of health care and health quality data that results in transparent and public reporting of safety, quality, cost, and efficiency information; and analysis of health care spending and utilization patterns for purposes that improve the population’s health, improve the care experience, and control costs.” (C.R.S. 25.5-1.204(1))

Our Mission

To equip partners and communities in Colorado and across the nation with the resources, services and unbiased data needed to improve health and health care.

Our Vision

Everyone has the opportunity to be healthy and has access to equitable, affordable, high-quality health care.

Our Values

Ultimately, we are driven by the value we provide to those we serve.


Our work is grounded in the communities we serve. We build collaborative relationships and focus on addressing the needs of our staff and our partners.


We are conscientious stewards of the Colorado All Payer Claims Database and its statutory mission. Through data expertise and partnership, we ensure exceptional data quality and create innovative health care analytics resulting in actionable, data-driven insights.


We are objective, solution-oriented, and maintain the highest integrity in the work we do. We aim to be a trusted, credible, resource and partner, and we hold ourselves accountable to deliver transparent, high-quality services.


Equity and inclusivity are core to our work. We provide insights to advance health equity and strive to create an environment where all voices are represented, heard and respected.

Our Work

We help communities, organizations and individuals identify opportunities to develop and advance innovative approaches to improve the health and well-being of Coloradans. By design, our activities support Change Agents in four ways:

  • Serve – We engage, support and collaborate with others to collectively advance the Triple Aim for a healthier Colorado. Everything we do is for the success and health of the communities we serve.
  • Engage – All voices are necessary to reshape our health care system and CIVHC is committed to meaningful collaboration with individuals, communities, and organizations.
  • Educate – We help educate communities on resources, partnerships, data literacy, and innovations to accelerate the pace of change.
  • Amplify – CIVHC promotes the successes and innovations of Change Agents, highlighting accomplishments and progress both locally and nationally.

Our History

In 2009, CIVHC began as a convener of diverse stakeholders committed to changing the way care is paid for and delivered. Through work groups and task forces, CIVHC cultivated relationships with likeminded partners that continue to make improvements throughout the state. Community engagement is integral to CIVHC’s philosophy and core work; we hold a broad view of what makes up a community and we feel that only through partnerships and collaboration will we successfully effect change.

CIVHC’s initial work centered around three priorities that continue today:

  • Palliative Care: Improving access to palliative care and supporting reimbursement for palliative services.
  • Transitions of Care: In partnership with other organizations, CIVHC created Healthy Transitions Colorado to connect and advance statewide programs and efforts, while educating providers and communities across the state.
  • Payment Reform: Educate stakeholders about new models of health care payment, and support transitions to alternative payment models that promote high quality, efficient care.

In 2010, the Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) appointed CIVHC the Administrator of the Colorado All Payer Claims Database (CO APCD). With implementation grant funding from The Colorado Trust and the Colorado Health Foundation, CIVHC began collecting claims from payers and providing data analysis to inform opportunities and advance the Triple Aim in 2012. The CO APCD is now the state’s most comprehensive claims data set representing the majority of insured lives in Colorado and including all major commercial payers, Medicaid and Medicare. Through public and custom data requests from the CO APCD, communities, organizations and individuals have access to essential cost, quality, and utilization insights to help them improve health and health care for Coloradans.

Through CO APCD data, analytic services, and data literacy education we are helping Change Agents inform opportunities for real and lasting health care transformation.

View our Trip Down Transparency Lane for more information.

How can we partner with you?

Public CO APCD Data

Identify opportunities to improve your community through our public interactive reports and publications.


Custom CO APCD Data

License data to address your specific health care needs. Options include standard and custom reports and data sets.

CIVHC Connect

Participate in quarterly convenings where we discuss innovative ideas and programs aimed at transforming health care.

Programs and Convening

Data, education, work groups, and convening to inform better care for those with serious and advanced illness.