Plaintalk Blog Series - Introduction
You spoke, and we listened. In late 2015, CIVHC sent out a survey asking for ways to advance our mission - better health, lower costs, and a healthier Colorado.
We heard a recurring theme; many of you are unclear about what we do and how we do it, and would like to better understand CIVHC and all our moving parts. Additionally, we were asked to clarify the language of claims data and discuss how we interpret this unique information for the stakeholders we serve, from policy makers to providers and consumers.
This blog is our answer to your call to action. On a regular basis, we will examine the language surrounding claims data and general health care innovation; terms like allowed amount, plan paid amount, and coinsurance will be explored alongside delivery system redesign, payment reform, and data transparency. We will also explain just what CIVHC does with the data by investigating the processing stream, the data extract process, and the role of our data warehouse manager.
Through these Plaintalk discussions, we want to enhance data and health care literacy across Colorado and begin a dialogue with you, our stakeholders. We want to help you use our websites, analyses, and reports to support your Triple Aim efforts to improve health, quality and lower costs for us all.