Data Dive: Colorectal Cancer

Recently updated recommendations urge more Coloradans to receive screenings Colorectal Cancer is the fourth most common type of new cancer diagnoses in Colorado at a rate of just over 30 people for every 100,000. For Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in March, we are taking a look at recent changes to Read more…

A black-and-white photo of a medical professional wearing a white coat and glasses administering an injection to an older patient. The patient, sitting with their arm extended, appears to brace themselves, holding their head with one hand while the injection is being administered.

Change Agent Feature: 9Health

Economic Value of 9Health Screenings The 1970’s saw a number of technological and medical innovations (computer assisted tomography (CAT Scans), Chicken Pox vaccine, Rubella vaccine) taking place, yet like today, many Americans still lacked access to basic health care services. While traveling the country, physician John Brensike, observed many individuals Read more…

Data Dive: Heart Disease

Heart Disease Varies Among Coloradans, Across the State and by Health Insurance Coverage In recognition of Heart Disease Awareness Month in February, we examined data from the Colorado All Payer Claims Database (CO APCD) to identify how heart disease varies across the state. According to the Centers for Disease Control Read more…